Naturally low blood pressure can have a family origin. This is the case for Hélène, soon to be in her thirties: “I have almost always had 9 blood pressure, my sister and my mother too, we have to believe that this is the family number”. But it is also a situation frequently observed in slender, tall or particularly athletic young women.
Better life expectancy
“In absolute terms, having a low voltage, It’s good news. The vessels are under less pressure, they age less quickly and, suddenly, these people will probably live longer “, explains Dr Nicolas Postel-Vinay, cardiologist at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in Paris. ” to accommodate a tension at 9, sufficient to propel the blood in all the organs, provided that it is the level of physiological tension, that is to say normal, and not the consequence of a disease, anemia, diabetes or cancer.
“My blood pressure is 9.5 or 10 maximum and I am doing fine,” says Audrey, 24. The only problem I noticed is that low blood pressure is of no concern to a doctor who does not I didn’t know you. I was operated on under general anesthesia for a cyst and in the recovery room, the team didn’t want to let me out. They thought that 9 was a little low and that it was better to keep me lying down a little longer. But me, at 9, I’m almost in top form! In general, my blood pressure is 9.5 or 10 maximum. “
The difficulty for the medical profession is that there is no hypotension threshold, that is to say a level of tension so low that it would be responsible for symptoms or other diseases. It is therefore not the figure itself that should worry but the fact of feeling or not the difficulties related to this small tension, such as dizziness or severe fatigue.
“Often these young women are prone to what is called vagal discomfort. They have a hot stroke standing tight in the subway or a rise in stress before an exam, and presto, they collapse! nothing serious but when it happens regularly, it can be embarrassing “, underlines Claire Mounier-Vehier, cardiologist at the Lille University Hospital.
Daily advice
Eat more salt, so that the body retains water, which increases blood pressure. But that’s no excuse to devour plates of fries or peanuts at every meal! Mineral waters and energy drinks rich in sodium (ideal during sport), tomato juice or soy sauce effectively contribute to the salt intake. Also limit its alcohol consumptionbecause alcohol increases the dilation of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure even more.
Static in a standing position, in public transport for example, to uncover yourself so as not to be too hot, to make small contractions of the calves and to move your toes to stimulate blood flow in the legs. At the office, in a seated position, avoid crossing your legs and take regular breaks to stretch your legs. Do not get up too suddenly, neither from a chair nor from the bed. In the morning, sit for a few seconds on the edge of the bed before standing up. If you have to stay up all day, for your job, a salon or a day of shopping, consider putting on compression stockings or socks.
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Dizziness: is fainting in the genes?