According to a study published in the journal de l‘American society of nephrology, transplanting the kidney of a diabetic person would still be less risky than waiting for a transplant.
For this study, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) compared medical data from more than 8,100 patients who received kidneys from someone with diabetes with those from patients on a waiting list. kidney transplant. They concluded that these patients were 9% less likely to die during the follow-up period than those who were still on waiting list to obtain a kidney from a non-diabetic donor.
Findings that suggest kidneys from deceased diabetic donors may help alleviate organ shortage.
The needs greatly exceed the supply of grafts
“Like kidney failure has become increasingly common in the United States in recent decades, the need kidneys greatly exceeds the number of kidneys available “ says Dr. Jordana Cohen, lead author of the study. The latter recalls that it is about treating patients with end-stage kidney disease. Patients for whom an organ transplant, even in poor health, is always a better solution than waiting for a transplant in better condition.
Read also :
Testimonial: I donated a kidney to my son
Infographic: get to know your kidneys