The studies are unanimous. Physical activity is good for your health and should be done regularly. To keep fit and maintain health, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking 10,000 steps per day. Because the regular practice of a sport can reduce by up to 39% the risk of developing breast cancer, by 26% the risk of developing colorectal cancer, by 25% the risk of being the victim of a stroke. and 34% the risk of diabetes. But, to get the same benefits, people with diabetes should increase the time they spend exercising.
Researchers from Lund University (Sweden) conducted a study to understand the benefits of exercise on individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes. 50 slightly overweight men, 25 of whom were at high risk for diabetes and 25 without any particular risk (the control group), participated in an exercise program for 7 months. The at-risk group practiced more hours of sport than the others. The participants were medically monitored throughout the study. Their blood sugar was measured.
The results of the study showed that both groups lost weight, reduced their waistlines, and improved their fitness. In contrast, they also showed that participants in the risk group had to exercise more to achieve the same results as participants in the control group.
Diabetes in numbers
There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes due to a lack of insulin secretion by the pancreas. It affects about 10% of diabetics and mainly affects young people.
Type 2 diabetes is caused by the improper use of insulin by the body’s cells. It is much more common and represents 90% of diabetes. In France, it affects around 3 million people, or 4.7% of the population. Figures that increase every year due to bad eating habits and an increasingly sedentary daily life.
Read also:
Diabetes: how do you screen it?
Type 2 diabetes: a sneaky disease
Diabetes: 4 unusual tips to avoid it