A couple from Boulogne-sur-mer (Pas-de-Calais) is now parents of a newborn baby. A birth that they unfortunately did not expect. During his eighth month of pregnancy, the mother-to-be had learned from the medical team that her baby would suffer from a serious brain defect. The Boulogne hospital center in consultation with the parents then decided to perform a medical termination of pregnancy (IMG), also called therapeutic abortion, ten days after this diagnosis.
The IMG can be performed following a prenatal diagnosis when a serious anomaly is observed. The decision to terminate the pregnancy may be taken late. A decision that turns out to be one of the most difficult taken by the couple: “We were told that our child had 80% of the brain that did not work. The doctors said that the baby would be paralyzed and that he could neither eat nor drink “, they explained to the daily The voice of the North.
Parents in shock
The funeral is organized. And on the day of the IMG a double-dose shot is injected through the umbilical cord, the newspaper continues. The baby’s cardiac arrest is noted by the doctors who conclude that it is dead. But the woman still gives birth to the baby who is still alive and who normally cries at birth.
The parents are literally in shock. The medical team refutes any medical error. Is this an exceptional case of “failed medical termination of pregnancy” as some doctors suggest? The health authorities have been seized of the case and will have to determine the possible responsibilities.
As for the baby, he is not placed in intensive care but his neurological condition raises the concern of health professionals.
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Baby with no left arm, family denounces medical error
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