The nurses denounce the “contempt” of the government, accused of having yielded to the “lobby” of doctors. They demonstrate everywhere in France this Tuesday from 2:00 p.m.
This Tuesday, November 20, nurses are called by 16 organizations to demonstrate everywhere in France from 2 p.m. They denounce the “contempt” of the government, accused of having yielded to the “lobby” of doctors. All share the “same feeling of a profession left behind,” said the vice-president of the FNI (liberals), Daniel Guillerm.
Origin of anger
The origin of the anger comes from the health plan recently presented by the President of the Republic, which provides for the creation of 4,000 posts of medical assistants to help doctors. “We must continue to relieve doctors of acts that can be done by others. We will create posts for medical assistants who will support and relieve doctors of simple acts. We will create as many as are necessary. The goal of the five-year term is to deploy at least 4,000,” Emmanuel Macron said last September.
“Why create a new profession instead of relying on the approximately 660,000 existing nurses? Why pay secretaries to doctors on the back of health insurance, for a total of 200 million euros per year, instead of create positions in retirement homes or increase the acts and salaries of nurses”, protests in 20 minutes Daniel Guillerm.
“We are shocked by this embezzlement of funds from health insurance contributions for people who have no financial worries”, assures Thierry Amouroux in The world, President of the National Union of Nursing Professionals (SNPI CFE-CGC). “It would have been more coherent to devote this money to creating positions in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad), a place where working conditions are appalling”.
Whether liberal, hospital employees, these health professionals are also demanding better pay, greater autonomy and increased staffing in establishments. About twenty gatherings are marked out in front of the prefectures. In Paris, a demonstration will take place in front of the Ministry of Health. No strike has been planned for the moment. The movement was not associated with that of the yellow vests. According to the DREES, there are 660,611 nurses in France, including 116,800 liberal or mixed and 433,202 who work exclusively in the public hospital service.