Vasectomy is the definitive contraception for men. But there is also a method that concerns women, widely used in the United States and England. Marginal in France. Only for lack of information.
The pill is a drug prescribed, daily and over very long periods, to someone who is not sick, with side effects that are all the more badly experienced as it does not cure anything. These accidents are extremely rare and infinitely less important than those caused by aspirin, antihypertensives or anti-inflammatory drugs. It is abnormal to demonize contraception, an emblematic success of the struggle of women for their equality. This fundamental debate, despite the necessary clarity it requires, should never have gone beyond the circle of prescribers and the application of the rule: No woman, who takes the pill for the first time, should be prescribed another something a pill of 2th generation. With it, the risk of serious accidents is 4 women per 100,000. A risk that rises to 8 for third generation pills. It is only in the event of side effects, known as “minor” (hair loss, acne, drop in libido, weight gain, etc.) that the doctor may prescribe 3 or 4th generations. However, no study formally demonstrates that these are better tolerated.
It is the woman, and she alone, who must make the final decision, in full knowledge of the facts; By not forgetting to inform him that there are other means of contraception, more effective than the pill, but curiously shunned by a part of the medical profession which peddles false ideas.
The IUD is unloved in France
If the pill is 96% effective – failures are linked to forgetting to take it – there are two alternatives. The first approach is perfection: it is the IUD. Contrary to what some doctors claim, it can be used in young women who have not yet had children. Its only contraindication is the ongoing local infection, which is not that common and can be easily treated.
Definitive contraception for women
The second method, with 100% success, is permanent contraception, which, as its name suggests, solves the problem forever; It has the advantage of also affecting humans. To avoid having children, it is indeed necessary to dry up the source of cells capable of giving life. Vasectomy for male sperm; Small spring introduced, without anesthesia, by natural means, into the tubes to block the woman’s eggs. A process that benefits from reimbursement.
France is, on this method of contraception, a model of obscurity. In Great Britain, permanent contraception concerns more than 20% of couples; In North America 46%, but barely 1% in our country. The explanation is probably due to pressure from the pharmaceutical industry, which made France the world champion in the prescription of the pill. But it is not the medical visitor who holds the pen of the prescriber, and the ignorance of doctors on the subject is glaring. The refusal, often without valid reasons when it comes to a woman who already has several children who would like to stop taking a drug, is frequent, moreover without any legal justification. There has been no ban since 2001. However, patients cannot offer it, as information on this method of contraception is almost non-existent. The media should meditate on this oversight like the health authorities, who would nevertheless have an economical, effective message without side effects.