There are countless alarming reports on the drop in the number of sperm in men.
In 20 years, a decline of 40% would have been observed, aggravated by a drop in quality.
These are the results of a very serious French study.
Some researchers consider it as important a problem as the warming of our planet.
Among the causes mentioned: in the lead, pollution. We are surrounded by chemicals on a daily basis. Recently, a French team demonstrated the toxicity of phthalates on germ cells which constitute the precursor of spermatozoa. However, phthalates are found, among other things, in many plastic packaging, in PVC, etc.
Pesticides also contribute to the alteration of sperm.
We also mentioned the heat because the production of sperm is a phenomenon extremely sensitive to temperature. Sperm must be kept at a temperature between 33-34°C. Depending on the temperature, the scholarships contract or relax so as to keep this temperature constant.
An increase in the temperature of the testicles leads to a slowing down or even stopping of spermatogenesis. And it is from this observation that we accused the jeans too tight.
Food is also in the crosshairs, as well as tobacco, which is undoubtedly the main cause. Smoking will destroy the blood vessels of the male genitalia. At the level of the penis, this is responsible for an alteration in the quality and duration of the erection. At the level of the testicles, the vascular alterations lead to a more or less irreversible destruction of the production of sperm. We must also add alcohol, but we will also hurt Sunday sportsmen: the injuries caused by cycling and horse riding, as well as the increase in local heat and obstruction to blood circulation, threaten sperm quality.
And to finish the stress, which our modern world is accustomed to, but there, it would still be necessary to show me that our modern life is more stressful than that, contemporary of wars and famines.
Rather, I would like to draw your attention to another concern than this weakness of the sperm which does not worry me more than that, to raise the debate and leave these family jewels which are in danger with the wearing of too tight jeans and the temperature rise, to evoke the real concerns about the future of our Y chromosome, transmitted from father to son, and which is the main difference between man and woman.
Dr. Jean-Francois Lemoine
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