Almost 90% of healthcare establishments have adopted an IT system security policy, but efforts still need to be made.
Hospitals are slowly but surely engaging in cybersecurity. This is the finding from the” Atlas of Hospital Information Systems (HIS), published every year since 2013 by the Direction Générale de l’Offre de Soins (DGOS), and presented at the end of May during Paris Healthcare Week.
The document tells us that 88% of healthcare establishments have adopted an IT system security policy, with a lower proportion for public establishments (79%). A rather favorable progression which bodes well for good results, while the Digital Hospital program targets 100% on January 1, 2018.
1.6% of the budget
In addition, nearly 85% of the establishments surveyed declared having consulted the information documents on the security of the health information system produced by the Agency for Shared Health Information Systems (Asip santé). These documents have thus struggled to gain visibility, but now seem to be better known.
In addition, 94% of establishments have a safety referent; however, this function is only exercised full time in 8% of establishments, even though the Digital Hospital program requires full time. “The only stand out are CHU / R where an IS security manager is fully assigned to this function in 42% of cases”, note the authors of the Atlas.
Towards hospital 2.0
In 2014, establishments devoted an average of 1.6% of their operating expenses to the hospital information system. A slightly lower budget compared to the previous year, when the share of expenses amounted to 1.7%.
The atlas underlines that “progress remains to be made as regards the systematic taking into account of a risk analysis prior to any introduction into the information system of a new application or new medical equipment” with only 22 % of establishments which state that they carry out this analysis.
However, investing in IT security is a priority, while the digitization of information continues to progress. The computerization of the patient’s medical file is thus well under way with 94% of establishments declaring a project completed or in progress (+2 points compared to the previous year).