Its presence in very small quantities or even its absence in people suffering from this disease seems to be the cause. The absence of this bacterium, normally present in the body, would disrupt the proper functioning of the immune defense system in the intestine.
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. It is the so-called “intestinal” bacteria which are precisely the cause of this disorder. The one that has just been identified by the INRA and Inserm team bears the name of F. prausnitzii. These have shown in vitro that it had, against all expectations, important anti-inflammatory properties. This is the first time that a bacterial species showing such characteristics has been identified in patients with this rare disease.
The continuation of research work carried out by Inserm and INRA in collaboration with AP-HP could lead to the manufacture of a new probiotic or the development of new remedies for chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. Tested on mice for the presence of F. prausnitzii in the body reduces intestinal inflammation and positively affects the lifespan of mice.
The symptoms of this disease, extremely unpleasant for the patient, are well known: strong outbreaks followed by phases of remission, abdominal pain, diarrhea and fevers. Bowel surgery is often required if there are complications. But a low rate of F. prausnitzii can in these conditions increase the risk of recurrence.