Bread, vegetables or juice
You should never follow a crash diet for long, and the pounds are often back on in no time. But for those who want to lose weight quickly: three simple diets. With advantages, disadvantages and advice.
bread swap diet
What is it?
With the bread exchange diet you always alternate a day with only eating bread with a day with normal food. The diet promises fast weight loss without feeling hungry.
What do you have to do?
You eat only dry wholemeal bread every other day and drink only water, tea or coffee without milk and sugar. On the other days you can eat and drink what you want. You must eat a varied but healthy diet on those days, with an occasional snack
How does it work?
Due to the fiber-rich bread, you will not suffer from hunger pangs. At the same time, you consume few calories.
For who is it?
Anyone who can muster the discipline to eat only bread every other day and who wants to lose a few kilos quickly.
What do experts think?
Because you probably don’t get enough nutrients in the long term, the Nutrition Center recommends that you do not follow the diet for more than six weeks.
The bread swap diet is easy to follow and you won’t feel hungry. You will also learn to enjoy food more during the ‘normal’ days.
The diet does not teach you good food habits. As a result, there is a good chance that you will quickly gain weight again after the treatment. In addition, there can be deficiencies in calcium and vitamin A.
juice fast
What is it?
With juice fasting, you are only allowed to drink a certain amount of fruit and vegetable juice, without eating any further.
How does it work?
Improper nutrition and bad eating habits have a negative influence on the metabolism. According to the creators of juice fasting, the body should be cleansed regularly.
What do you have to do?
A juice cure lasts eight days and consists of a preparation day, six fasting days and a reduction day. On those six days of fasting, you may only drink juice and herbal tea. The vegetable and fruit juices that you are allowed to use are low in calories. This cure leaves the digestive tract alone, so that the body can cleanse itself of excess fats and proteins.
For who is it?
Anyone who wants to lose a few pounds quickly and can do without a solid diet.
What do experts think?
The Nutrition Center does not recommend juice fasting for more than a few days. Muscle tissue is broken down and juice does not contain all the nutrients that your body needs.
In a short time you can lose two to three kilos.
The first days you mainly lose fluid and then muscle tissue. In addition, deficiencies of important nutrients can arise. Juices do not change your eating habits, so there is a good chance that your weight will increase again. Another disadvantage is that many people feel bad during the first days of a juice treatment. This is probably because the body is flushing out toxins. Headaches are a common complaint. So it is wise not to start this diet when you have a busy week ahead of you.
vegetable diet
What is it?
During the vegetable diet, you only eat vegetables, soybeans and potatoes.
How does it work?
Because this diet is energy-restricting, the body uses the fat stock to provide energy. Vegetables are low in protein, high in carbohydrates with a high dietary fiber content and virtually all vitamins and minerals.
What do you have to do?
During the diet, you eat only vegetables, soybeans and potatoes. However, meat is not allowed in this cure. As snacks you can take raw vegetables, tomato juice and vegetable juice.
For who is it?
The Vegetable Diet is suitable for people who can avoid meat and who love vegetables.
What do experts think?
The Nutrition Center has not made a statement about the vegetable diet.
You can vary endlessly with vegetables, so that the food does not have to be boring. Eating a lot of vegetables also ensures good digestion.
Because you get a lot of dietary fiber, you can suffer from flatulence. In addition, the diet can lead to deficiencies in protein, calcium and vitamins A and D.
The effectiveness of a diet depends on many factors. Losing a lot of weight quickly is never a good idea, so avoid the so-called crash diets. Whoever falls back into his or her old diet, will quickly regain the lost kilos. People who are seriously overweight (BMI > 30) are better off consulting a dietician for a tailor-made diet than following a diet on their own.