Two cases of transmission of Covid-19, from humans to cats, have been identified and certified by Scottish researchers.
- Two cases of contamination of cats by their masters have been confirmed
- The transmission of the virus to humans from a pet has not yet been observed.
A human with Covid-19 could contaminate his pet. This statement is the result of a Scottish study, which has just been published in the medical journal Veterinary Record. Indeed, the researchers explain that they have identified two cases where owners transmitted the virus to their cats.
Mild to severe forms in cats
The first case is that of a female Ragdoll kitten who was only four months old when it died. The researchers were able to confirm his infection with Covid-19 after several post-mortem studies, including the analysis of lung samples that were positive for SARS-CoV-2. They also discovered sequelae of viral pneumonia. The second case also concerned a six-year-old Siamese female. Scientists detected the virus in swabs taken between March and July 2020 because the cat had rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Here too, they certify that the cat had Covid-19. Just like humans, the organism of these pets did not react in the same way to the virus, the first developed a severe form, when the second had only a few symptoms, which can be qualified as light form. Additionally, the researchers did not identify any virus-specific mutation in these two cats.
Transmission between animals, a source of reintroduction of Covid-19
This new study therefore warns of the ability of Covid-19 to infect different species. The authors emphasize that in the future it will be important to monitor transmission from humans to cats, but also that which may exist from cat to cat and, above all, from pets to humans. “Currently, animal-to-human transmission represents a relatively low public health risk in areas where human-to-human transmission remains highassures Margaret Hosie, one of the authors of the study, at The Guardian newspaper. However, as human cases decline, the prospect of animal-to-animal transmission is becoming increasingly important as a potential source of reintroduction of SARS-CoV-2 into humans. It is therefore important to better understand whether exposed animals could play a role in transmission.In the United States, last February, two pets – a cat and a dog – have tested positive for the English variant of Covid-19. The examination had been carried out two days after the screening of their master, who was also infected. However, no work has been done to find out how they were contaminated and, ultimatelywhether it was human-to-animal transmission.
In 2019, in France, 14.2 million households owned a cat and 7.6 million families had a dog. according to a survey carried out by FACCO. The issue of contamination from animals to humans, if confirmed, could therefore represent an important vector for transmission of the virus. After the vaccine for men, when will the one for pets?
Find below the interview with Jeanne Brugère-Picoux, honorary professor at the veterinary school, on the role of animals in the transmission of the coronavirus: