The new BA.5 variant, a subvariant of Omicron, causes more intense and longer-lasting symptoms than previous Covid mutations.
- According to Santé Publique France, the epidemic has been in the “acceleration” phase since the beginning of June with an “intensification of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2” throughout the metropolitan territory.
- BA.5 began to be identified in January and February 2022 in South Africa.
Severe fatigue, persistent sore throat and headache, high fever, cough… Here are the most frequent clinical signs in the event of infection with the new BA.5 variant.
In its latest variant risk analysis published on July 6, 2022, Public Health France also indicates that “the probability of presenting anosmia [perte d’odorat] and ageusia [perte du goût]but also nausea, vomiting and diarrhea is higher for cases of BA.4/BA.5”.
This new variant, now the majority in France, has caused a surge in the number of cases in recent weeks.
Indeed, 140,997 cases of Covid-19 were confirmed on July 8 in France. An increase of 12.7% according to Public Health France which would be explained by its virulence: “As it’s a new variant, he knows fewer people so he’s more active” explained Dr. Charles-Henry Guez, general practitioner and Vice-President of the Union of Liberal Physicians (URPS) on BFM TV The 4th of July.
More worryingly, Omicron BA.5 would not protect against rapid reinfection: “The new variants appear to be able to evade protection against having had a previous BA2 infection or having received a vaccine”has explained an australian doctor who analyzed the latest infections.
“What we are seeing is an increasing number of people who have been infected with BA2 and then become infected again after four weeks, did he declare. Six to eight weeks later they develop a second infection and it’s almost always either BA4 or BA5.”
According Public Health France indeed, 12% of people who tested positive during the week of June 6 to 12 had already been so at least once in the past, in 2021 or 2022.
“In view of the marked increase in the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 currently observed in France, and the characteristics of the BA.4/BA.5 sub-lineages, it is to be expected that the frequency of reinfections will continue. to increase in the coming weeks”, warns the health agency.
BA.5 would indeed be more contagious than BA2, for example. “Given the fact that it is more contagious, it escapes post-vaccination immunity a little better so we will probably continue to see this upsurge in new cases in the coming weeks”confirmed Yves Buisson, president of the Covid unit of the Academy of Medicine on Europe 1 on June 7.
Also, the symptoms last longer (7-10 days), which means that the contamination phase is longer.
Regarding its dangerousness, the data accumulated in several countries have not observed an increase in severity associated with BA.5.
Lower risk of hospitalization
A first South African study comparing the risk of serious events between the Omicron BA.1 wave and the BA.4/BA.5 wave showed similar risks of hospitalization or death between the BA.1 and BA waves. 4/BA.5, reports Public Health France July 6.
These two Omicron waves were associated with lower risks compared to previous waves.
The risk of hospitalization/death was lower in previously infected cases (70% lower) or vaccinated 3 doses (83% lower) compared to uninfected/vaccinated cases. “The median duration of hospitalization (for BA4 or BA5 cases) is 5 days”, indicated French Public Health.