For the past year, the covid-19 epidemic has been accompanied by an epidemic of false information circulating on social networks. The latest is a protocol that combines drugs, essential oils and homeopathy and which is supposed to prevent the coronavirus. However, not only does this protocol absolutely not prevent catching the virus but if it is followed to the letter it can be dangerous because all the molecules are not compatible with each other and some, such as anticoagulants, can cause serious side effects.
“The presentation of a therapeutic protocol in the absence of evidence of efficacy and of a positive benefit-risk ratio demonstrated in patients constitutes a danger to the lives of others” underlines the collective of doctors No Fake Med. For its part, the National Order of Physicians alerted the High Health Authority and the National Medicines Safety Agency, according to the world.
As indicated by @lemondefr, the Order seized the @HAS_sante and the@ansm. He recalls that any doctor must practice medicine in accordance with the data acquired from science, both in the development of the diagnosis and in the proposal of a treatment.
– Order of Doctors (@ordre_medecins) February 9, 2021
Where does this controversial protocol come from?This “therapeutic proposal to treat Covid-19 in the early phase” emanates from the Free Health Coordination, which brings together covidosceptic physicians. Cautious, the authors of this protocol which circulates on the Net specify that it is “no prescriptions, no recommendations, but a feedback from field experiences of the doctors of the Free Health Coordination “and that” it cannot be taken or advised in self-medication “.
Read also :
- Vaccine against covid-19: Facebook and twitter engage against fake news
- Covid-19 saliva tests: for whom? How? ‘Or’ What ?
- Covid-19: How long are you immune to an infection?