What is the coronavirus? What are the symptoms ? How do I know if I am affected or if I am at risk of passing it on? In 2020, we had many questions to ask, and we gradually obtained many answers about this mysterious virus for which a vaccine has just been found.
Remember, last February, we were talking about these first coronavirus “clusters”. We then wondered what this virus really was, which came from China, what it was doing and what the term “cluster” meant.
Symptoms and DIY anti Covid-19
Then, over time, these terms became familiar to us as the spread of the virus turned into a true pandemic. Other questions then arose, concerning the more and more symptoms. Eye pain, skin problems, loss of taste and smell have joined the classics of fever, dry cough, and muscle pain.
The year 2020 will also have taught us the essential role of the mask, and how to make one yourself. Or how to make your own hydroalcoholic gel, when these were out of stock everywhere in France … Top Santé has listed for you the 9 main questions asked to Google in this year of the Covid-19 pandemic, with all the answers.
Read also:
- Covid-19 (coronavirus) symptoms: the 3 signs of worsening to watch out for
- Coronavirus and transmission: the virus can survive 28 days on your smartphone