More than 11,000 new cases of contamination by the coronavirus were recorded this Sunday, December 6, 2020. Figures still largely above the target set by the government to lift the containment measures from December 15.
The conditions for deconfinement
During his last televised address, on November 24, 2020, Emmanuel Macron announced the possibility of deconfinement from December 15. For this, he had set several conditions. On the one hand, the number of daily cases should, at that time, be around 5,000 cases per day. Another condition for lifting the confinement: the number of people in intensive care must not exceed between 2,500 and 3,000 people.
The figures set by the government follow the recommendations and recommendations of the Scientific Council. Last October, Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the Scientific Council explained that this target of 5,000 cases corresponds to ” the quantity of people infected each day which makes the only strategy we have achievable, which is to test, trace, isolate ”, now renamed“ test, alert, protect “.
According to the modeling study published Tuesday, December 1, 2020, the Institut Pasteur predicted that the objective would be reached by December 15. ” From the different scenarios that we consider, we expect that the number of critical care beds (defined by all patients in intensive care unit in the strict sense, in intensive care and in continuous monitoring unit) occupied by Covid-19 patients is between 1,600 and 2,600 beds on December 15 “.
Update on the numbers
If the scenario of the Institut Pasteur foresees that we will reach the bar of 5000 maximum cases per day on December 15, France is, for the moment, far from the account even if the figures tend to fall.
According to official data from Public Health France, “ since the passage of the epidemic peak in week 44 (from October 26 to November 1), new infections of SARS-CoV-2 continue to decrease. The indicators, however, remained at a high level and, in week 48, more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, on average, every day in France. “. To be precise, this Sunday, December 7, 2020, France recorded in 24 hours, 11,022 new cases of contamination, more than double the number of cases set by the government to lift the confinement on December 15.
As for the number of patients in intensive care, they were 3,210 resuscitated patients on Sunday, against 3,220 the day before. Over the last 7 days, there has been a total of 564 new hospitalizations, including 1,163 in intensive care. As for the number of patients who died in hospital due to Covid-19, the data announces 175 deaths recorded on Sunday against 216 on Saturday and 284 on Friday.