With the anxiety, social distancing, the decline or loss of income and the mourning that the Covid-19 pandemic is facing us, more and more French people are knocking on the door of mental health services. However, in a recent study, the WHO points to the lack of financial resources allocated to this sector. Out of 130 countries surveyed, 93% say that the Covid-19 pandemic is causing disruption or even interruption of mental health services even as the demand for care increases. A real paradox since psychic well-being is essential to face this strange period. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, calls on world leaders to “act quickly and decisively to invest more in life-saving mental health programs, during and after the pandemic”.
Covid-19, an additional stressor
While stress was already a real scourge around the world, the pandemic has done nothing to help matters. A survey carried out by Ipsos for Headspace reveals that more than 69% of people questioned (more than two thirds of them) say they are more frequently stressed since the start of the health crisis. And that’s not all, since 60% admit to having trouble sleeping and 65% of them feel more nervous. The impact of the health situation on our mental health is therefore no longer to be demonstrated. It remains to find solutions to get better: reading, cooking, playing sports, listening to music or even discussing with loved ones … Anything is good to bring a little happiness to our daily lives!