To date, we do not yet have enough information to define post-Covid symptoms. Some studies carried out all over the world are still trying to decipher them. In South Korea, the results of a preliminary survey report that 9 out of 10 patients may suffer from persistent sequelae. We tell you more.
Results of a preliminary investigation in South Korea
A recent online survey, conducted by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), found that nine out of ten coronavirus patients may suffer from lingering side effects after being treated for the coronavirus. According to the preliminary study, the most reported side effects are fatigue, psychological sequelae, loss of smell and taste.
The survey was based on 965 patients with the virus and recovered. In total, 879 people said they suffered from at least one side effect of the coronavirus. Among them, 26.2% said they suffered from fatigue and 24.6% had difficulty concentrating. Kim Shin-woo, professor of internal medicine at the Daegu National Kyungpook University School of Medicine, also sought feedback from 5,762 recovered patients in South Korea, 16.7% of whom participated in the ‘investigation. With the study still in the preliminary stages, Kim Shin-woo announced that he would soon publish the study with a detailed analysis.
And elsewhere in the world?
South Korea is not the only country to study the persistent symptoms seen in patients treated for Covid-19. Also called ‘Covid long’, this syndrome is also studied in other countries of the world such as Ireland, the United States and Italy in which studies are being carried out.
In France, caregivers have also confirmed the onset and increase in post-Covid symptoms. On Twitter, we have thus seen the appearance of new hashtags dedicated to this phenomenon: # apresj20, # aprèsj60, # apresj90 or # apresj120. The latter recompose the testimonies of patients with persistent symptoms in order to obtain better care.
If it is still early to explain the appearance of these persistent sequelae and understand their origins, doctors report some common characteristic features. Indeed, most of the patients affected by post-Covid symptoms would be women and individuals who have not been affected by a severe form of the disease. In other words, they are often people who have not been hospitalized.