The latest report from the Saudi Ministry of Health reports 4 new cases of coronavirus. The Emirates are also reporting new patients. The pilgrimage to Mecca continues.
The new coronavirus has apparently not finished talking about it! According to the last count established by the Saudi Ministry of Health, the number of people affected in Saudi Arabia by MERS-coV since September 2012 has risen to 70. The country would therefore now have 4 new declared cases of coronavirus compared to the latest report which reported 66 contaminations in the Wahhabi kingdom .
Among these new patients, two of them were also confirmed on Sunday by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the Organization, it would be a 41-year-old man, residing in Riyadh, and a 59-year-old woman, from the region of Al-Ahsa (East), she said, adding that the two patients are currently in critical condition in hospital. The statement said that these two patients have never had contact with other people showing symptoms of the disease. WHO also mentions new cases of contamination in the United Arab Emirates.
Bad news that will probably not reassure the Saudi authorities who are on the alert during this period of pilgrimage to Mecca, on the occasion of Ramadan. They have also recently launched an appeal to the elderly or chronically ill, to children and pregnant women not to perform the rite of pilgrimage this year because of the risk of infection.
For its part, WHO decided not to recommend member states to impose travel restrictions, after an emergency meeting on the disease, believing that “the conditions for triggering emergency public health action from international level are not currently met. “