This is one of the (many) mysteries that today surround Covid-19, the disease caused by the viral infection of Sars-Cov-2: why do some young and healthy people develop serious forms of the pathology?
In effect : according to specialists, 5% of patients affected by severe forms of Covid-19 (with severe pulmonary, inflammatory or cerebral symptoms) are under 50 years old and were in good health before encountering the virus.
To study this (thorny) question, researchers from the human genetics of infectious diseases laboratory at Inserm (National Institute for Health and Medical Research) launched a vast study in February 2020. The objective: to sequence the genome of patients – whose vital prognosis is currently engaged – to search for common genetic mutations.
A “genetic key” dormant until the meeting with the virus
Because the researchers’ hypothesis is that of a “genetic key” which would promote the development of severe forms of Covid-19. “For the flu, for example, our lab and others have highlighted genetic variations that remain silent until they encounter a virus.“explains Pr. Jean-Laurent Casanova, pediatrician and immunologist, interviewed by our colleagues from the Journal du Dimanche.
Clear : “a genetic variation present at birth [chez le patient] could produce, upon encounter with the virus, a clinical manifestation“serious, explains the specialist. A hypothesis which could possibly explain the cardiac symptoms (reminiscent of Kawazaki’s disease) recently diagnosed in children affected by the coronavirus…
To date, 600 patients have been included in the study and data have been received for around 300 of them. When are the answers? The researchers prefer to remain cautious: “in a few weeks if we are very lucky and successful. But it can also take years“says Prof. Casanova.
Read also :
- Coronavirus treatment: what are the most promising trials?
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- Coronavirus in children: symptoms, forms, contagion
- The Discovery Trial : the results of the tests against the coronavirus
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