During the first confinement, many French people gave up going to the doctor – for fear of the virus, for fear of breaking the law, so as not to disturb doctors … Result: during the confinement, health professionals and hospitals have observed a (significant!) increase in cardiac arrests and myocardial infarctions, in particular, but also a delay in cancer screening.
First thing to know, therefore: during confinement, consultations, examinations and medical treatment remain authorized… and even encouraged! In a press release published on Monday, November 2, 2020, the Health Professions Orders affirm “mobilize collectively to guarantee the continuity of care and strongly encourage all patients to continue to consult their practitioners, including in the city, in particular in the context of monitoring their pathologies and their treatments“.
Thus, despite the confinement, it is still possible to go to your doctor, to go to the pharmacy, to consult a dentist, a midwife, a nurse, a physiotherapist or even a chiropodist.
Medical consultations: teleconsultation is encouraged (when possible)
Of course, to limit the transmission of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, teleconsultation is encouraged: do not hesitate to ask your doctor / specialist / health professional if he has this solution!
How to get to a medical appointment during confinement? To go to a medical appointment during confinement (and even if the doctor’s office is more than 1 km from the home), you must first download a special travel certificate – on the free application Tous AntiCovid or on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.
Then fill in the necessary information (name, address, date of birth …) online or on paper, and check the box “Consultations, examinations and care cannot be provided remotely and the purchase of medication”.
Medical appointment during confinement: is it safe? Yes. The Orders of the Health Professions “ensure the population of the quality of care under optimal health security conditions respecting professional recommendations and protective measures for their patients“.
Read also :
Containment and health: advice and good daily actions
Solo confinement: how to tame loneliness?
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