On Wednesday May 31, the Health Insurance announced the signing of an agreement with the two main liberal midwifery unions. This provides in particular for the revaluation of certain medical acts, such as consultation, which will drop from January 1, 2019 from 23 to 25 euros.
From the 1er January 2019, it will be necessary to pay no longer 23, but 25 euros to consult a midwife practicing in liberal. After months of tough negotiations with the Health Insurance, the two main liberal midwifery unions, including the National Union of Midwives (ONSSF) signed on Wednesday May 31 a conventional agreement which concerns 5,400 midwives. liberal women spread over the whole of France.
Better paid acts
Like general practitioners, they will therefore see some of their medical acts “considered key” upgraded. In addition to the consultation and home visit billed at 25 euros, the perineum rehabilitation session will drop from 19.60 to 21 euros. An emergency intervention on Sundays and public holidays will drop from 21 to 40 euros while a night delivery will be billed at 80 euros instead of 40.
For liberal midwives, this revaluation of certain acts is a long-standing request, which will allow the profession to obtain a total gain of 22.1 million euros.
Broadening of skills
The conventional agreement signed with the Health Insurance also provides for granting new prerogatives to midwives. From 2019, they will be able to replace doctors by carrying out the first consultation on contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases for young girls aged 15 to 18, billed at 46 euros.
In addition to promoting the development of the midwifery profession, the text also seeks to strengthen the prevention and care coordination missions provided by these health professionals. Thus, an act of prevention will soon be created in order to “inform early” pregnant women of “certain risks, in particular infectious, linked to smoking and alcohol consumption”.
In addition, the conventional agreement maintains the application of “regulated agreement” to maintain the activity of midwives in areas under doubt. This will translate into financial aid of up to 28,000 euros, or even 38,000 euros for a first installation. In over-staffed areas, any new installation of a liberal midwife will be conditional on the departure of another.