In some, the constipation appears from time to time during a trip, a change in lifestyle or diet, then goes away on its own after a few days. But in others, constipation is not forgotten: it occurs regularly and sometimes even chronically. When the adaptation of the hygiene of life does not have an effect, when the traditional treatments are ineffective, it really ends up disturbing the quality of life.
Can it get complicated?
Doctors differentiate between:
- constipation transitrelated to poor colon motor skills and hard, dry stools
- terminal constipation linked to difficulty expelling
- functional constipation when no cause is found.
Fortunately, treatments exist and most of the time provide relief. For those who are not satisfied with it, there is something new on the side of drugs, non-drug approaches and alternatives and finally surgery. It is therefore necessary to climb each of the stages of the treatment, one by one, to find the one that effectively relieves …
Chronic and severe constipation can lead to fecal or even urinary incontinence after years of pushing stress. It is therefore necessary to consult if a healthy lifestyle and well-followed laxatives seem ineffective.