No to poly-consultations at 23 €! This is the watchword of the UNOF union. He calls on general practitioners to ask their patients to resume appointments beyond a reason for consultation.
“General practitioners will enter into resistance! This is the title of the latest press release from UNOF, the general practitioner branch of the CSMF, the first union of liberal doctors.
Grievances against health insurance
Already dissatisfied with the health law which will gradually generalize third-party payment to all French people, these practitioners denounce this time the lack of opening of tariff negotiations by May 15, 2015, concerning the revaluation of the act of basis of the consultation.
As such, the steering committee of the UNOF-CSMF recalls that the national medical convention, signed by the organizations representing liberal doctors and the primary health insurance funds, described in its article 25, the three pillars of the remuneration of the doctor: “fee-for-service, flat-rate and public health objectives. “Conclusion of the union,” once again, the Health Insurance did not respect the contract signed jointly. “
Overruns for special consultations
For this reason, the UNOF-CSMF therefore calls on general practitioners to say “NO” to heavy consultations paid € 23 and asks, “outside any emergency context”, that patients make another appointment if they have more. a reason for consultation.
In addition, “in the event of particular requirements of the patient”, the union indicates that the doctor will apply an overrun of fees. “Patients will be directly informed by a poster campaign in medical offices,” warns UNOF-CSMF. Not sure that these actions are popular with patients who have so far favored doctors in the polls.