“Coconut oil has long been decried because it is very rich in saturated fatty acids, known as bad fats. It is now being rehabilitated because there are more and more studies on its benefits, introduces Alix Lefief-Delcourt, nutrition writerhealth and wellbeing.
In particular, it has been shown that among its fatty acids are medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). These explain most of the peculiarities of coconut oil. Lauric acid represents the majority of these MCTs and it has several benefits. It has a positive action on good cholesterol so it is favorable to cardiovascular health. Also, it has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
How often can you consume it?
“Beyond 30 to 40 g per day, theoil of coconut can cause digestive problems. As part of a ketogenic diet, if you need to consume more, you will have to gradually increase the quantities. In the context of a conventional diet, on the other hand, theoil of coconut is not mandatory and must complement other oils. For example over a day: 1.5 c. ofoil olive + 1.5 tbsp. ofoil rapeseed + 1 to 2 tbsp. coffeeoil of coco” explained Magali Walkowicz, dietitian-nutritionist, in Vital magazine, in February 2020.
Which coconut oil to choose?
You can enjoy the benefits of coconut oil in the kitchen, but also in medicine and in the field of beauty, for skin and hair. For this, choose a quality oil. “As with all oils, it is best to choose a first cold-pressed virgin oil, indicates Alix Lefief-Delcourt. If you want an eco-friendly coconut oil, choose a product with the label One voice” she adds.
She recommends a coconut oil sold in a glass container and not in plastic because components of it can penetrate into the oil. Finally, note that coconut oil can be kept for a long time at room temperature.
Read also :
- The benefits of coconut oil on our brain
- Make your own coconut after-sun oil
- Coconut: amazing health benefits