Clostridium difficile strain 027, a bacterium that causes severe diarrhea, is suspected to be the cause of 3 deaths in Bouches-du-Rhône.
Since March, a bacterium – the 027 strain of Clostridium difficile – has been at the origin of a real epidemic in health establishments in the Marseille region. 41 people have already been infected with this bacterium, a mutant of Clostridium difficile, which is even suspected of being the cause of the death of 3 people.
The bacteria attack the elderly
The bacteria are of particular concern to doctors first of all because it attacks the elderly, the website of the Institute for Sanitary Watch thus specifying that the main risk factors are “an age over 65”. Aggravating factor, “the administration of antibiotics which unbalance the intestinal flora, thus allowing the strains of [Clostridium] difficult to establish and multiply ”. As we indicated in our columns on Friday October 4, strain 027 presents a more severe and more contagious character than the original strain. The infection manifests as diarrhea, accompanied by abdominal cramps and fever.
Strain 027 is contagious and very resistant
Especially, the doctors are worried because of the very great resistance of the bacterium: “Indeed, it is resistant to the hydro-alcoholic solutions used by the nursing staff to disinfect the hands as well as to the cleaning products commonly used in the hospitals. hospitals ”, confirmed Jean-Christophe Delarozière of the regional office for the fight against nosocomial infections (ARLIN), interviewed by Sciences et Avenir.
Isolation of patients and special hygiene precautions
The only solution to fight against this epidemic, the isolation of the sick thanks to a rapid detection of the bacteria, and a rigorous hand hygiene in particular after going to the toilet, the contamination taking place by fecal-oral route and its transmission of person. to person carried out directly by manuportage. In addition, special precautions will be taken (wearing gloves, gown, disinfecting the environment with bleach, etc.).
Faced with this threat, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) has also put in place surveillance and alert measures in health establishments in the region and in particular at the level of EPADs which welcome the elderly.