This is food for thought for the government, which wants to contain hospital spending as part of the 2015 social security financing bill. The public sector costs more than private clinics, exclaims the press today. “The acts performed in the private sector cost less to the Health Insurance, and the excess fees are not as significant as the public authorities say”, sums up The Parisian.
At the origin of this “little bomb”, a study carried out by academics from four confidential databases. Commissioned by the union representing surgeons, anesthesiologists and obstetricians in operating theaters (Le Bloc), this work covers surgical, anesthetic and obstetrical acts.
An intervention carried out in the private sector, notes journalist Daniel Rosenweg, is billed 7.8% less than when it is carried out in the public. And for Health Insurance, the gap is multiplied by two (15.8%). There are two reasons for this: the rates for acts are higher in the public sector and the excess fees are, contrary to popular belief, rather moderate in the private sector. For a consultation or a classic operation (apart from aesthetics), the supplement requested in relation to the social security tariff amounts, on average, to 38%.
In the end, out of the 48 interventions studied, the hospital is more competitive only on 3 procedures.
Through this study, private doctors hope to make their voices heard by the authorities, in particular on the revaluation of their acts, and to convince complementary companies to take charge of the envelope of 1.2 billion euros represented by their overruns. fees.