An indispensable mineral
Chromium or chromium is a mineral about which little is known. What is known is that it is indispensable for the proper functioning of insulin and for maintaining blood sugar levels. It also plays a role in fat metabolism.
Chromium is found in grain products with a high bran content. It is unclear whether chromium from these products can also be absorbed well.
Furthermore, chromium is mainly found in brewer’s yeast, wholemeal bread, vegetables and fruit and to a lesser extent in meat and dairy products. The chromium content in fruit and vegetables is very variable. Meat, poultry and fish contain between 1 and 2 micrograms of chromium per serving.
There is some evidence that chromium supplements have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and insulin release in patients with type 2 diabetes and in healthy people, but there is insufficient evidence.
Chromium deficiency
As far as is known, there are no shortages of chromium in the Netherlands. If you eat a varied diet, you get enough chromium. Vitamin C improves the absorption of chromium. There are also no known adverse effects of an excessive intake of chromium. The safe upper limit indicated by the Vitamin Information Bureau is 250 mcg per day.