A new analysis of 18 studies confirms the benefit of statins in primary cardiovascular prevention. In a book to be published, Prof. Even disputes the interest of treating it.
In a book to be published on February 21, Prof. Philippe Even questions the link between cholesterol and cardiovascular risk and the value of statins in the treatment of patients. “There is no such thing as bad cholesterol. “” High cholesterol is a made-up disease. There is no benefit in treating it, ”the pulmonologist confided to Nouvel Observateur.
Health agencies and cardiology representatives denounced these allegations by emphasizing the benefits of secondary prevention treatment. In an update, the High Authority of Health (Has) recalled at the end of the week that “after a cardiovascular accident, a heart attack or a stroke, the interest of statins is indisputable”. In primary prevention, that is to say before an accident, these molecules are justified for people at high risk, those who accumulate risk factors, diabetes, hypertension or smoking. “
A new study has just confirmed this approach. Published in The Cochrane Rewiew, it analyzes the results of 18 studies examining the role of statins in primary prevention of cholesterol. They would reduce all-cause mortality by 14%, cardiovascular events, fatal or not by 25%, coronary events, fatal or not, by 27%, stroke, fatal or not, by 22%, and revascularizations by 38%.
In this new meta-analysis, including recent clinical trials, scientists did not find an increased risk of cancer, muscle complication, but an increased risk of diabetes reported by only two studies.
“The totality of the data, conclude the authors, now supports the benefits of statins in primary prevention”. But they hope more studies can compare the benefits of drug treatments to those of physical activity and diet.