An indigestible figure. A child who is used to eating a bowl of American brand cereal for breakfast eats up the equivalent of … 4.5 kilos of sugar a year. Gloups.
The Environment Working Group, an American association, draws a bitter assessment after analyzing more than 1,500 children’s cereals. In all, she compared the added sugars present in 181 brands marketed in the United States.
Verdict, cereals for children are on average 40 times sweeter than cereals “for adults”. When taking the daily ratio, this amount of sugar absorbed by a child exceeds two to three times the daily intake recommended by the WHO.
The association is not its first charge against manufacturers of children’s cereals. In 2011, she had already cracked a report with similar conclusions. With one detail. Since then, no brand has reduced the added sugars in these cereals. Worse, some added. A bowl of these processed cereals can hide more than 50% sugar instead of the 10% recommended by the WHO … This development weighs heavily in view of the consequences that excess sugar ends up having on the health of young consumers. : diabetes, overweight, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
A bowl of … cereal sugar
“Children’s cereals contain as much sugar as junk food and should not be part of a balanced breakfast,” judge Dawn Undurraga, nutritionist and co-author of the report.
The World Health Organization considers that adults should not consume more than 3 sugars per day, and 6 sugars per day for adults. Daily doses difficult to meet if your child starts the day with a bowl of processed cereal …