Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) mainly affects smokers. A new study shows that children who experience second-hand smoke have a higher risk of contracting the disease in adulthood and dying from it.
Smoking seriously harms your health and that of those around you, the message is regularly written on cigarette packs. Passive smoking can also have serious consequences for those exposed. A recent study, published on theAmerican Cancer Society, shows that when children are concerned, they are more likely to contract chronic obstructive bronchitis in adulthood. Adult passive smokers are also at greater risk of developing other lung diseases.
A 31% higher risk of death
The research was conducted on 70,900 adults aged 50 to 74 who have never smoked. The latter were followed on average for 22 years. They were asked questions about their exposure to tobacco during childhood and adulthood. Those who grew up with a daily smoker were 31% more likely to die from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, compared to those who did not live with a smoker. Scientists say that while the study only looked at COPD-related deaths, living with a smoker as a child also increases the risk of non-fatal COPD.
Dangers for adults
Living with a smoker or hanging out with smokers as adults can also be harmful to your health. When exposure to cigarette smoke exceeds 10 hours per week, the risk of death from any cause is 9% higher, of death from ischemic heart disease is 27% higher, of heart attack is 23% higher and the risk of dying from COPD is 42% higher.
According to Inpes, in France, every year, 3,000 non-smokers die prematurely from passive smoking.