A new study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research by researchers at Tel Aviv University (Israel) explores another promising new medical application for cannabis. According to this study, administering cannabidiol (or CBD, one of the components of marijuana) would significantly help heal bone fractures.
This study was conducted on rats with mid-femoral fractures. The researchers found that cannabidiol, even separated from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive component of cannabis, markedly improved the healing process of the femur after just 8 weeks.
“Furthermore, we found that CBD alone makes bones stronger during healing, by enhancing collagen maturation, which provides the basis for further mineralization of bone tissue,” said Dr. Yankel Gabet of the Research Laboratory on the bones of Tel Aviv Medical School. “After being treated with CBD, bones become stronger and harder to break.”
This same team of researchers had already discovered that certain cannabinoid-sensitive receptors in our body stimulate bone formation and reduce bone loss. “This paves the way for the future use of cannabinoid drugs to fight osteoporosis and other bone diseases,” they point out.
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