April 30, 2007 – Almost a third of patients treated for cancer are at risk because of the possible interaction between certain drugs prescribed to them.
Canadian researchers1 noted no less than 276 potential interactions when analyzing drugs taken by 405 patients treated for cancerous tumors. These interactions were either serious (which could cause death) or moderate (which could cause a serious health problem).
At least one possible interaction was noted in 109 of 405 patients, or 27% of the cases studied. Although we are talking about potential interactions, not actual cases, it is scientifically proven that half of the interactions targeted pose health risks.
In addition to cancer treatments, patients are prescribed a host of reliever medications, including those for other conditions associated with cancer. In 87% of interaction cases, the offending medication was prescribed for relief. Anticancer drugs were involved in 13% of potential interactions.
Pierre Lefrançois – PasseportSanté.net
1. Riechelmann RP, Tannock IF et al. Potential drug interactions and duplicate prescriptions among cancer patients. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007 Apr 18; 99 (8): 592-600.