Dress warmly, otherwise you will get sick
Good question! In this section Plus goes in search of answers to nagging questions. Why do your ears keep growing all your life? Can You Have Really Heavy Bones? And can you catch a cold from the cold?
Many people think that you literally catch a cold because of a draft or winter cold, but that is not true, just to get straight to the point. A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. You get that virus ‘tested’ by others.
Small droplets
Cold viruses are able to enter the respiratory tract. Once inside, the production of new virus particles starts and you get sick. People who are infected can easily transfer this to others by sneezing, laughing or coughing. This is because small droplets end up in the air and thus in the airways of others. Those people can also catch a cold again and in this way the virus spreads further and further.
But why is it that in the autumn and winter, when it is colder, many more people have a cold and flu? The reason is actually quite simple: because there is a lot more people sitting inside with the windows closed and the heating on. For example, look at schools. Children play outside less. And classrooms are ventilated much less than in spring and summer. When everyone is close together, the chance that viruses will be transmitted is much higher.
So you do not get a cold from the cold, but you are more susceptible to an infection if you are cold. This is because your mucous membranes have a poorer blood supply when it is cold and the defenses work less as a result. The body also has to work harder in cold to stay warm, so the resistance is also not optimal.