Have you been in hospital in the past year and a half? Because of COVID, or because of something else? Then we are looking for you. The editors would like to talk to people about ‘the new normal’ in hospitals.
The corona outbreak has a major impact on hospitals. Everyone wears a mouth cap, not just the people in the OR. The intensive care units have been filled with people with COVID for months. Do we have too few IC beds in the Netherlands? Regular care had to scale down and is now catching up. Was all that care necessary, or is it often no longer necessary afterwards? Sometimes you can only speak to the doctor through a screen, will we have emptier waiting rooms? And will we soon have a corona vaccine every year? Or another vaccine against new outbreaks? Healthcare providers and administrators are now discussing ‘the new normal’ in healthcare. What will that look like?
For an article in Plus Magazine we want to map out ‘the new normal’ in the hospital. For this we want to speak with people who have been treated in hospital during corona time, i.e. the past year and a half. For example, for COVID, but we would also like to speak to people who have had hip surgery or have been admitted for a stroke. How was that? What should really go better in the hospital in the next outbreak? What went really well?
It would be great if you would like to talk to our journalist about your experiences in the hospital last year.
– Write your experience briefly in an email (a few paragraphs) and send your response before June 21 to health@plusmagazine.nl, stating ‘Hospital and corona’
– Include your full name, age, address, email and phone number.
– Also send your own photo, your own snapshot with the smartphone is fine.
We read all responses carefully and will contact you if your response is chosen for an interview. A photographer will then come by for a beautiful portrait.