The Dutch must be given the opportunity to make basic medical information available in the event of an emergency. Minister Bruins (Medical Care) wants to make the option possible this year.
The government believes that crucial data should be made more available to doctors in the event of an emergency. According to Minister Bruins, this concerns basic data, such as medication use, allergies, blood group and data from the general practitioner. At the Landelijk Schakelpunt, people can then indicate whether general practitioners and pharmacists are allowed to share this information in the event of an emergency.
National Switch Point
At the National Switch Point, people can already choose whether or not to share medical data with other healthcare providers. Someone can give this permission online, but also with every contact with a doctor. More than thirteen million Dutch people have already made this choice, four million have not yet. The government therefore now wants to add an extra option. For example, people who have not given permission can make an exception for emergencies. Minister Bruins still wants to offer the option for a year.
Data exchange
The exchange of patient data between different healthcare providers has been a problem in healthcare and politics for years. In 2011, the plan for a national patient file failed due to privacy concerns. Exchange of data may therefore only take place with the patient’s consent. In emergencies, a patient is not always able to do this, which means that doctors cannot view crucial data.
In an earlier article we explained what the National Switch Point is.
Would you like to respond? Then click on our statement: ‘In an emergency, every doctor should have access to my file’.
Sources): De Volkskrant, Follow your care