Yes bronchitis seat at the level of the bronchi, in naturopathyit is believed to originate in an overloaded intestine. “A diet too rich in sugars and fats clogs the intestine. This goes back into the blood at the level of the liver, the hepatic artery, and promotes the secretion of pulmonary mucus”explains Anne Portier, naturopath, author of Daily emergency care, natural remedies for the whole family (Solar ed.).
Limit sugars and fats
We will therefore take care to attack the root of the problem by limiting the consumption of sugars and fats. “The plants come in reinforcement to melt the mucus and promote the activity of the liver and the intestine”continues the naturopath.
And to add that bronchitis is also the result of a cold that has “descended” on the bronchi. “So we make sure treat the common cold as soon as he settles down. And, again, it is important to look at the intestinal sphere. If the bottom is full, it goes up! Moreover in Spanish, I have a cold is said “estoy constipado”!
Black radish and Haarlem oil
• Black radish is a gallbladder and liver stimulant. “To be consumed in the form of juice, vial or raw, taking care to keep the skin which concentrates all the active ingredients.” However, it is avoided in case of gallstones and we then prefer chicory root or rosemary, or, if you are not afraid of its bitter taste, the artichoke !
• Haarlem oil is a 400 year old remedy (it takes its name from the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands) which has the merit of attacking both the source of bronchitis – the digestive sphere – and its manifestations – the excess of pulmonary secretions.
“This mixture of Landes pine essential oil, sulfur and linseed oil cleanses the intestine, liver and lungs”explains Anne Portier. “It dissolves secretions and restores the digestive sector to good condition.”
Haarlem oil is available in pharmacies and organic stores, in the form of capsules or suppositories.
Read also :
Persistent cough: when should you call the doctor?
Scots pine, the ally of our bronchial tubes