The Midi-Pyrénées region is facing an outbreak of bronchiolitis cases. Some practical advice to avoid saturated pediatric emergency departments.
At the Toulouse University Hospital, Children’s Hospital is currently enjoying record attendance! During the weekend of December 25 to 27, more than 500 children were welcomed in the establishment, all pathologies combined. The saturation of Emergencies in particular can be explained in part by the epidemic of bronchiolitis which is raging throughout the south of France.
This Acute viral infection which affects the bronchioles (small bronchi) of infants and young children thus wreaks havoc in the Midi-Pyrénées. Last week, it accounted for nearly 13% of interventions by SOS Médecins emergency physicians in the region.
From mid-November, a special organization to deal with “winter epidemics” of children and newborns had been put in place, reinforced this year by the creation of a dedicated unit. A device that was obviously not enough to absorb the crowds …
The Midi-Pyrénées Regional Health Agency (ARS), Regional Union of Health Professionals and the Toulouse University Hospital are therefore renewing their practical advice for families (see box below).
Practical advice
1. Don’t wait. Consult the child’s usual doctor or pediatrician as soon as possible. This often prevents the symptoms from worsening. Another possibility in Toulouse: SOS Médecins on 05 61 33 00 00, all day.
2. Night, weekends and holidays: call 39 66 before traveling. Call “39 66 Hello Doctor” after 8 pm, at night, on weekends or on public holidays to reach a doctor who will assess the situation to find the appropriate solution for each health problem. He can provide medical advice or refer the patient to an on-call doctor near his home or to a nearby medical center.
3. In a life-threatening emergency, do not hesitate to contact 15 or 112. In case of doubt and if a life is in danger, the good reflex is to immediately call 15 (SAMU) or 112 from a cell phone. At center 15, a doctor assesses the situation and mobilizes the means adapted to the emergency.
Longer waiting time
Because because of this situation, the waiting time in the pediatric emergencies of the Toulouse University Hospital has increased significantly, “mainly for patients under non-emergency consultations”, the establishment indicated to La Dépêche du Midi. Worse still, the pace of these visits does not seem to weaken, with no less than 130 young patients welcomed during the day from December 28 to 29! Following the advice of the health authorities could therefore prove to be invaluable for the health of little Toulouse residents.
Our best wishes for this new year … And especially #health !!
Posted by Why actor on Thursday, December 31, 2015