A rooting
No wonder that breathing is an integral part of many alternative medicines such as meditation, sophrology or yoga. Concentrating on your breathing is a good anchor point to be attentive to your sensations and avoid losing yourself mentally. By observing its rhythm, without trying to change it, it is interesting to note that the regular movement calms us down, and brings us back to a state of concentration. Whenever we feel in a situation of confusion, we return in full consciousness to our breathing. It calms our mental agitation.
An anti-stress
In times of stress, our heart and our breathing speed up. Sometimes you can even gasp in your breath. But by knowing how to control your breathing, you have a great stress reliever which releases our anxieties and our tensions. To benefit from it, we train in abdominal breathing, through the belly. How it works ? We work on the diaphragm, the main muscle of respiration, located in the solar plexus area, the seat of our emotions. We breathe in while inflating the belly until the lungs are full and we breathe in while entering the belly by doubling the time of the expiration (the longer the time of the expiration, the more it relaxes).
Internal massage
With each respiratory movement, the air that enters our lungs travels through the body and massages the organs. Breathing well therefore contributes to good overall health by also promoting the oxygenation of cells and the internal circulation of fluids (blood, lymph, secretions) and energy.
A draining effect
A respiratory balance contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive organs. In the same way that it evacuates tension, it stimulates the evacuation of waste and toxins. In the morning to activate the transit, we can perform abdominal breaths.
An optimistic ally
When dark clouds darken our mind, breathing can brighten the horizon of our thoughts. For this we inspire by thinking of something positive (anything, people we love, a vacation memory, a pleasure we had) and we breathe out the negative.
Another tip: you breathe in until you fill your lungs. Then, we hold our breath for a few seconds while thinking of a positive term (relaxation, energy …), before releasing on the expiration.
An energy booster
In case of fatigue, we can regain tone by practicing several full breaths: we breathe in while inflating the belly until the lungs are completely filled. The air passes through the solar plexus and climbs until it “tickles” our shoulders.
At the end of the inspiration, we stop our breathing a few seconds before expelling through the mouth the air accumulated by returning the belly. As with abdominal breathing, the duration of the exhalation is prolonged to accentuate the relaxing effect.
>> To read also: Flat stomach: the breathing method that changes everything