Translated from English “supportive care”, supportive care refers to “all the care and support necessary for sick people throughout the illness which are associated with specific treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) when there is in a”.
They mainly aim to improve the daily life of patients: management of pain, fatigue, psychological suffering, self-esteem, nutritional difficulties… Several studies show that: benefiting from oncological care from support in addition to treatment has a real impact on the quality of life and the clinical state of patients. Dr. Alain Toledano, oncologist radiation therapist, explains how this supportive care can improve the quality of life of patients with breast cancer.
What is the importance of supportive care in the management of cancer?
Dr. Toledano: This care must be complementary to drug treatments and allow patients to be supported. They help to better tolerate side effects. In the field of nutrition (micronutrition, naturopathy), management of emotions (hypnosis, sophrology) or he adapted sports activity, all these treatments aim to put the individual back at the heart of the treatment process.While patients benefit from impressive technological advances, all this should not make us forget the men and women we have in in front of us.
How does this care benefit women?
Dr. Toledano: The better the treatment is tolerated and the more the patients go to the end. Care must be comprehensive to enable women to gain in quality of life. Today, two-thirds of patients are still suffering from the effects of the treatment or the disease five years later. Post-cancer ills, too often underestimated. Promoting well-being (make-up, hair prostheses, massages) encourages women to take care of their bodies. A way to regain self-confidence.
Comprehensive care, the best response to cancer?
Dr. Toledano: We must devote time to patients and re-humanize medicine. The reality is that a third of people affected by cancer leave or lose their job in the months following the disease. We have to help them to bounce back, to rebuild a balance. Patients often feel neglected, they find themselves faced with expeditious specialists who do not always provide answers to their questions. At the Institut Rafaël, the team offers around thirty disciplines designed to support patients and their loved ones in the ordeal of the disease. It is urgent to recreate the link. On a daily basis, we see patients come back to life.
A spa treatment for well-being
The post-cancer period is an important issue. Because after treatment, women need to take care of themselves. For this, there are, for example, post-breast cancer spa treatments aimed at improving the well-being of women.
Care for dry skin, scalp, nails, burns related to radiotherapy, scarring, itching, joint pain, so many approaches put forward in thermal establishments. Like the post-cancer treatment at the Grands Thermes de la Bourboule (63), the treatments offered by Avène or the post-cancer spa treatment at La Roche-Posay (86). The treatments are carried out with thermal water and improve the consequences of oncological treatments. A bubble of well-being to reclaim your body.
Cosmetics to take care of your skin
For some women, taming their new image in the mirror also involves advice on taking care of their body and their skin. With aggressive treatments aimed at dislodging the tumor, women’s skin becomes fragile. “Chemotherapy changes the condition of the skin. For example, combination or oily skin will become normal. For skin already dry, the damage is considerable”, alert Marie Alavoine, onco-esthetician at the Rafaël Institute. Because of the treatment, the skin becomes dehydrated, sensitive, reactive (redness, rosacea). In some cases, the usual products may no longer be suitable.
The important thing is to check that your day cream does not contain perfume, alcohol, essential oil and not too many anti-aging active ingredients. “There are creams sold in pharmacies and parapharmacies ideal for skin weakened by treatments such as Ozalys, Avène, La Roche-Posay or Even”, list Marie Alavoine.
The best ? Choose products from a moisturizing range for sensitive skin. The fluid is more suitable for combination skin, dry skin will prefer a cream or a balm. “Before even buying creams, it is essential to think about your internal hydration and to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water during the day”, recommends the expert. To take care of her weakened skin, she advises avoiding exfoliation and applying sun protection all year round – SPF 30 minimum and 50 recommended.
Our expert: Dr Alain Toledano, radiotherapist oncologist and president of the Rafaël Institute, post-cancer center
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- Breast cancer: can personalized prostheses be reimbursed?
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