In France, one in ten women develop breast cancerDuring his life. It is between the ages of 50 and 74 that women are most at risk. The mammogram is the easiest and most effective way to detect possible breast cancer as early as possible.
While in France, many actions are implemented to inform and encourage screening, particularly in the context ofPink October, elsewhere in the world, awareness is also a public health issue. Example in Chile, where the last communication campaign is controversial, as far as France! The object of the controversy? A generous bosom staged in a commercial of barely 50 seconds in several everyday situations. In sport, in the evening, during breastfeeding and also… during a sexual frolic. A little too daring for some who denounce a spot with a “pornographic” tendency.
Another bone of contention, the size of the breasts, considered too big by some detractors. The campaign called “Por amor a las tetas” has the support of the Chilean Ministry of Health. It targets women but especially men, invited to encourage their wives to get tested. As the slogan at the end of the spot illustrates: “If we love them that much, let’s take care of them. Encourage a woman to get tested.” For watch the spot, click here
The reference site of the campaign informs (in Spanish) the men of the gestures to be made in order to be able to spot a possible lump.
>> To read also: Unusual: a bra to detect breast cancer