March 13, 2017.
On the occasion of the 12th edition of the Bone Marrow Donor Week, from March 13 to March 19, the Biomedicine Agency launched an appeal to mobilize the donors who are sorely lacking.
We are looking for young men under 40
The Biomedicine Agency has launched an appeal to find bone marrow donors. Young men under the age of 40 are concerned by this appeal: “cthis year, bone marrow donation is recruiting for men “, Said the agency, which deplores that the French file lists only 34% of male donors. Yet every year in France, 2,000 patients need a bone marrow transplant..
Donors are sorely lacking, as it is difficult to find a suitable donor. If the term bone marrow donation may seem a little scary at first glance (many people confuse bone marrow and spinal cord), It is important to understand that this donation of bone marrow cells is most often done by blood sample.
Treat over 80% of serious blood diseases
These donations are very important because they can treat more than 80% of serious blood diseases, such as leukemia. Last year, 205 donors were collected and 967 patients were able to benefit. Men give less, even though their donations are better tolerated by patients. The absence of antibodies developed by the woman during pregnancy indeed allows a better chance of success during the transplant.
To donate bone marrow, just go to the site and register. The donor will first receive a drug for a few days by subcutaneous injection. Then we will take two samples (lasting about 4 hours). A sample can also be taken by puncture in the posterior bones of the pelvis. ” This simple act requires 48 hours of hospitalization, it takes place in the operating room under general anesthesia and does not involve any risk of paralysis. », Specifies the Biomedicine Agency.
Marine Rondot.
Read also: Bone marrow transplant: compatibility between half-siblings