Responsible for serious brain damage, sometimes fatal, shaken baby syndrome (SBS) occurs when an adult shakes a baby out of exasperation or exhaustion in the face of crying that he can no longer bear.
Each year, several hundred children are victims in France. It mainly affects infants, boys, less than 1 year old and most often less than 6 months. Failure to diagnose this abuse exposes a major risk of recurrence and severe sequelae for life. or at death.
A clearer diagnosis thanks to MRI
In 2011, the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) and the French Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SOFMER) published recommendations for the diagnosis of SBS, based on the lesions and the history reported by adults. .
“Since 2011, new knowledge on shaken baby syndrome has been provided, in particular a better description of brain lesions justifying the updating of the recommendations. The diagnostic criteria have also been refined” underlines the HAS.
Concretely, the diagnosis of shaking is easier to make when faced with neurological symptoms such as subdural hematomas and retinal hemorrhages. In addition, brain imaging (emergency scanner then MRI) and a fundus examination allow a clear diagnosis to be made.
HAS also reminds healthcare professionals that in the event of a suspicion of SBS, the child must be considered as a severe head trauma. He must be hospitalized in pediatric intensive care, with neurosurgical advice.
Read also :
Shaken baby: 9 questions for the pediatrician
Video: a pediatrician’s recipe for calming baby’s crying