Bernard Tapie is being treated for stomach cancer in Paris. After revealing his illness in the fall, he fights against his illness and confides in the columns of Le Point for a long time. Bernard Tapie remains a fighter!
Former president of Olympique de Marseille, Bernard Tapie is currently being treated for stomach cancer. His wife, Dominique, made the announcement to theAFP September 24. The 74-year-old businessman is being treated at Saint-Louis Hospital (Paris). “Bernard suffers from stomach cancer with extension to the bottom of the esophagus,” said Ms. Tapie.
Bernard Tapie was treated by surgery and chemotherapy in the oncology department of Saint-Louis Hospital. Classic treatment for this form of cancer. As specified by theNational Cancer Institute (INCa), drug treatment is indicated in “locally advanced” forms before or after surgery.
A 75 year old fighter
According to a long interview given to our colleagues at Point, Bernard Tapie declares: “I have lots of projects in my head and, if the chemo doesn’t knock me out, I have every intention of continuing”.
Bernard Tapie is a fighter and has no intention of giving up. After his passage on France 2, he reveals having received “nearly 5,000 letters from patients or people who see or work with patients”.
The game of his life
After his treatments, he says he is going “like someone on whom the effects of the operation are still very violent”. He has lost “a lot of weight”, and has “a lot of trouble [s]feed me”.
#tapie : the big confession
Mitterrand, Macron, the nerve, his life, his cancer… River interview with the businessman, this week in #Point @sebastienlefol @JeromeBegle #BernardTapie
— The Point (@ThePoint) March 7, 2018
According to Bernard Tapie, cancer: “It’s the game of my life. But I’m not sure I’ll win it.” Before adding: “Cancer means death. In any case, it is a long illness, the outcome of which is feared”.
3% of cancers in France
Stomach cancer often affects men who match Bernard Tapie’s profile. Two-thirds of diagnosed patients are male, and generally aged over 50 years old. Each year, 6,550 new cases are diagnosed. This represents 3% of new diagnoses. The mortality rate has fallen sharply but the prognosis remains relatively poor if metastases have formed.
Certain factors promote the occurrence of stomach cancer. A chronic bacterial infection Helicobacter pylori, in particular, but also smoking or a diet low in fresh fruits and vegetables. Some organs are more exposed than others to the risk of metastasis. Breast cancer, for example, but also lung or prostate cancer. In the case of stomach cancer, it is mainly in the bones that metastases are formed.
Bernard Tapie acknowledges seeing life differently now. “When you’re healthy and around you, they have it too, damn it, every day that dawns is a party!” It’s a real party! Go to work happy”.