February 2, 2017.
A new virus is said to attack beehives around the world. Bees contaminated with the “misshapen wing virus” live shorter lives and have reduced pollination capacities.
The “deformed wing virus” has already infected entire regions
Bees, already tested in many parts of the world by pesticides, various pathogens and malnutrition, are now attacked by a virus that affects their life expectancy. This disease, called “virus of the deformed wing”, was brought to light by Belgian researchers at the University of Louvain, who published the results of their research in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
The virus of the deformed wing would have the faculty to impair the pollination capacities of bees. In other words, bees affected by this syndrome would be forced to forage too early, would have their memory of their space altered and would die younger than healthy bees.
A disease that affects efficiency and life expectancy
To determine the symptoms of this virus, Belgian scientists used microchips which, placed on insects, made it possible to follow with precision their course and their life expectancy. This disease, which is believed to infect up to three quarters of beehives in certain regions, represents an additional danger for an animal species that is vital to humans.
A recent UN publication showed that 40% of pollinating invertebrates are now in danger. A dramatic situation for humanity, since 75% of the crops that are vital to it depend in particular on the action of these pollinators.
Sybille Latour