Almost eradicated, bed bugs are making a resounding return to the Old Continent. And France is no exception to these microscopic blood-suckers.
For nearly half a century, they had barely been talked about. But now they are coming back in force. After regaining their rights in North American homes, bed bugs are indeed back in Europe. And France would be hit hard, according to The Parisian.
On the occasion of World Pest Prevention Day, the Chambre Syndicale des Industries de Disinfection, Pestisation et Dératisation (CS3D) recalled that the beast has already been flushed out in nearly 200,000 sites in France. And those who have dealt with bedbugs, also known as bedbugs, will remember them for a long time.
Particularly tough
In the morning, it’s a tiny spot of blood on your sheet or a sting on your skin that can sound the alarm. From there, it is necessary to quickly prove the presence of the pest, underline the professionals. And do not delay in triggering what looks like a real Orsec plan!
Often times, the Heteroptera victim minimizes the nuisance and thinks they can get away with a few sprays of supermarket insecticide. Fault. Going through the professional intervention box is often inevitable … Twice, 15 days apart! Just that. This is because the beast is tough: it can go a year without feeding (on your blood!). Mattresses, sofas, curtains, wardrobes… The list of its shelters is long.
Not a question of hygiene
And if the fairy of the house that you are feels safe in its gleaming habitat, you might well be disillusioned. Unlike other pests, it is not hygienic conditions that favor the establishment of bedbugs. Those who have reported bedbugs from their wanderings know it: from 5 stars to youth hostels, all accommodation can be infested.
In France, the city of Stains was recently the victim of a real invasion: 200 homes were affected at the same time. The municipality ended up appealing to the health authorities to eradicate the pests. A proliferation which can sometimes be fueled by the deposit on the public road of contaminated furniture or mattresses. To avoid !