The President of the United States is in excellent health. Cholesterol, triglycerides, prostate dosage, all of his exams are good, especially thanks to a healthy diet and exercise every day.
The conclusion of Barack Obama’s latest health check could not be clearer: “The president’s health is excellent. “According to his personal physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson who has just published these results as is the practice to do regularly in the United States,” all clinical data indicates that the president is currently in good health and that he will remain so for the duration of his presidency. »At 52 years and 10 months, Barack Obama is therefore for the moment able to lead his nation until the end of his second mandate in January 2017. His last official health report was produced in October 2011.
Healthy Eating and Exercising Every Day
Thus, reading the detailed results of all the medical examinations carried out, it emerges that the American President is in good health on all levels. From the height of his 1.85 m and 81.8 kg, he has to date no problem with his eyesight, nor any problem with the nose, ears and pharynx, nor with the thyroid. Nothing to report at the pulmonary or cardiac level. We also learn that his heart rate at rest is 62 beats / min. A sportsman’s heart that Barack Obama probably owes in large part to his impeccable lifestyle. “He has healthy food, exercises every day, does not smoke and only drinks alcohol occasionally and in moderation,” the official statement said.
Exemplary biological test results
The rest of the official bulletin continues with the results of the biological examinations carried out by the President. There too, good marks at all levels. Cholesterol (213mg / dL), blood sugar, trigyclérides and even PSA dosage, Dr. Jackson does not find any anomaly or source of concern in the figures he publishes “with the agreement of the president”. Only a moderate vitamin D deficiency appears in his medical results. A deficiency that the doctor claims to have already taken care of and treated with daily supplementation.
Up-to-date vaccinations but … nicotine chewing gum
Finally, the Chief Medical Officer of the White House also specifies that all of Barack Obama’s vaccinations are up to date, in particular those related to his numerous trips. The only small shadow in the medical picture of this perfectly healthy President, even if he no longer smokes, he still consumes nicotine chewing gum from time to time. A habit anyway much more commendable than falling back into addiction to tobacco. In the end, President Obama is therefore always “good for the service”