The day after the installation of the crawl space, a first case of avian flu was detected in the Tarn.
Avian flu has not finished talking about it. A new case was detected in a guinea fowl farm in the town of Labastide-Gabausse, in the Tarn. Yesterday, the government launched its “crawl space” procedure in the South-West departments. Its objective: to deploy protective measures in order to prevent the risks associated with the epidemic.
Upon the announcement of the latter case, the Ministry of Agriculture assured in a statement that “all management measures are being implemented”.
77 outbreaks detected in the South West
According to the latest press release from the Ministry of Agriculture, 77 outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza have been detected in 9 departments in the South-West. Among them the Landes, where 31 outbreaks have been identified. The latest was discovered on February 9 in a poultry farm in Mazerolles, in the Pyrénées-Atlantique.
Faced with the multiplication of cases of avian influenza, the Ministry of Agriculture has set up a crawl space. In order to eradicate the epidemic, all poultry must be confined inside farms and must not go out. This unprecedented measure will end on May 16.
No danger for humans
As the latest ANSES report, dated December 14, underlines, there is no danger for humans. The consumption of poultry, eggs or even foie gras presents no risk of contamination.