The Secretary of State for Victims announces measures to facilitate access to care for those injured in the Paris attacks.
Facilitating the procedures of the victims of attacks, this is the will of the government. The Secretary of State in charge of Victims announced several measures on Tuesday on Europe 1. Juliette Méadel wants the Departmental Homes for the Handicapped (MDPH) to grant the disability card systematically and quickly to amputees following an attack. The MDPHs are indeed known for long administrative delays.
Effective free healthcare
The other announcement from the Secretary of State concerns health costs. After the attacks of November 13, a one-year system was put in place: the care of victims is covered at the rate of social security without advance of costs. This system, which was initially supposed to stop in November 2016, will be extended until 2017.
This date begins the “real free health costs”. This means that patients will have nothing more to pay: excess fees as well as the costs of equipment (wheelchairs, prostheses, etc.) will be fully covered. No advance of costs therefore for the victims of the attacks. “Of the 490 injured after the attacks in Paris, 20 are still in hospital,” recalled Juliette Méadel.