Atrial fibrillation would affect more than 750,000 people in France. As part of the 2021 Week of Action concerning this disease, Why Doctor offers you a series of articles to better understand atrial fibrillation, its symptoms and the treatments to control it. Today, a “zoom” on the association between sport and this heart rhythm disorder with Pr Philippe Chevalier, rhythmologist at the Lyon University Hospital.
- The practice of high endurance sports and a sedentary lifestyle favor the occurrence of atrial fibrillation.
- It is possible to practice a sports activity when one is suffering from atrial fibrillation.
- Playing sports can prevent this heart rhythm disorder.
Obesity, coronary artery disease, sleep apnea… Several factors can promote the occurrence of atrial fibrillation, namely a heart rhythm disorder that accelerates the heart and makes it beat irregularly. According to Pr Philippe Chevalier, rhythmologist at the Lyon University Hospital, the practice of high endurance sports also predisposes to atrial fibrillation.
“Athletes who practice physical activity for more than 15 to 20 hours per week increase their risk of developing an arrhythmia. If an athlete contracts this pathology, it is possible to treat it using ablation techniques, with a benefit- extremely favorable risk and success rates of 80 to 90%”he says.
According to the specialist, a sedentary lifestyle is also a factor that promotes the occurrence of atrial fibrillation. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle have as much risk of contracting an arrhythmia as athletes who play sports “in high doses”. “You have to find the middle ground”he adds.
Sport is compatible with atrial fibrillation
Professor Philippe Chevalier indicates that patients with this heart rhythm disorder can continue to exercise. “The contraindications to sports practice in the event of atrial fibrillation are exceptional. Always ask your doctor for specific arguments if he prohibits you from practicing a sports activity”, advise the healthcare professional.
Exercising for three to six hours a week also helps prevent arrhythmia. “Sport is beneficial. Some scientific studies, carried out on healthy patients, have clearly demonstrated its antiarrhythmic effect”, says the teacher. He explains that walking, cycling or running protects against high blood pressure, which is the number one risk factor for strokes and atrial fibrillation.
“When we play sports, we lose sodium. Result: our blood pressure decreases and our heart breathes, that is to say, it will not work in excessive barometric conditions. The organ will not neither stretch nor hypertrophy. It will be at rest, so the arteries will dilate. This will be extremely beneficial both at the muscular and vascular levels. Clearly, sport protects our heart”, develops the specialist.
Below, the interview of Pr Philippe Chevalier, rhythmologist at the Lyon University Hospital: