After the cases of thrombosis, the Vaxzevria vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca raises new questions. Indeed, a new side effect is the subject of a new investigation by the European Medicines Agency. Passeport Santé tells you more.
New side effect in people vaccinated with AstraZenenca
Since the AstraZeneca vaccine is used in France, the French Medicines Agency has identified 23 cases of thrombosis, 8 of which were fatal. Among them, nine new cases of thrombosis were identified between April 2 and 8, 2021 in people over the age of 55. Beyond the cases of thrombosis, the Vaxzevria vaccine developed by AstraZeneca is now the subject of a new investigation by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) following the observation of a new side effect.
Indeed, the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of the EMA has announced that it is investigating reported cases of capillary leak syndrome. This is a very rare condition where fluid leaks from the blood vessels leading to swelling of the tissues and low blood pressure. According to the European Medicines Agency, “ A cause and effect link is not yet clearly established “. According to the European database EurdraVigilance, five cases of hair leaks have been reported so far. No case has been identified in France to date.
Consequences for contracts between AstraZeneca and Europe?
While Denmark became, last Wednesday, the first European country to suspend the AstraZeneca vaccine, the appearance of this new side effect could have consequences for the renewal of contracts between the pharmaceutical group and Europe. . According to the French Minister of Industry Agnès Pannier-Runacher, “ The decision is not decided ” corn ” this is the greatest probability “That Europe does not place new orders,” she said on RMC radio last Friday.
In addition, the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee is also investigating thromboembolic events after vaccination with Johnson & Johnson serum in the United States. As Agnès Pannier-Runacher pointed out, “ We have not initiated discussions with Johnson & Johnson and with AstraZeneca for a new contract, where we have already initiated discussions with Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna “.